Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dad came to get Mom

Eternal Love. There is nothing more beautiful.  When America was Free, White and Christian, being married unto death was the norm, not the exception.  For this couple, even in death they could not stay apart. 

Couple married 76 years die three days apart
Richard and Mabel Bromley married 76 years ago. They were both 98 years old when they died this week.

The Kentwood couple had a large family, including seven children, 22 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren.

When I read this story a couple of things came to mind.  One was a song that I think is appropriate for the occasion.  If you like, you can turn the volume up on the news story while playing the song below in the background. 

This is one of my favorite movies and the best scene about undying love and one day reuniting with the one you shared your heart and soul with.  Some say Rose is just dreaming in this scene, but I like to think differently.

Although it's never really worked out this way for me, I like to see couples in love.  Couples who know each other's thoughts, understand each other's hearts, mind and soul and are as one.  I know not everyone can have that, but we can appreciate those that do.  It is truly a beautiful thing.


LorMarie said...

It seemed as though everyone stayed married years ago.

Orion said...

Yes, a bygone age, never to return..?

I bet DEMCAD would like to be married forever, Lormae!

lormarie said...

I want to say yes it will return but I doubt it will. We can see all the positive romantic examples we need but there are too many bad (marriage) examples. I'm so glad I didn't allow anyone to "force me into it" during my young and gullible 20's.

aakash said...

a also like it man