Thursday, May 19, 2011

All Clear - For Now!

Thanks to RM of Radio Werewolf for letting us know that Counter Currents fixed their recent SQL injection/Malware issue.  We've added it back to our fine cross section of White Blogosphere links.

Hadding of National Socialist Worldview is right about Covington getting too much print time over there, but they do have good writers and a lot of the articles are pertinent to the struggle.  In this late stage of the game I think we have to take the good with the not so good, sorting it until  we are in a stronger position.  When we reach that point, there won't be any Harold Covingtons around to distract anyone.  Garonteed! (try to get that through your spellchecker!)

 I notice they are also hawking "Ward Kendall's" book.  You'll find some interesting info on this guy at White Reference.  What's extremely irritating at White Reference is his tolerance of costume Nazis (not National Socialists) in the comments section.  I mean, 113 comments at last count and not a one has any relevance to the topic at hand.  It's just losers slinging mud.  I long for the day when this struggle gets deadly serious and starts to CLEAN HOUSE of the losers, wannabes and degenerates that infest it. 

Anyway,  I would personally not buy "Kendall's"  book.  Just give him the screw and wait until it's a free download if you're interested. 

If anyone has any recommendations for good White websites/blogs that we can use, please feel free to email me.  We'll be glad to link up with anyone that is on our side, and even some that aren't!


kerdasi amaq said...

If you haven't got it: this book should interest you; it's Frank Kitson's "Gang and Countergangs".

Did you check out that video of the Russian guy and his automatic shotgun?

Orion said...

Thanks, Kerdasi. That is an interesting read! I'm always looking for good books on counter insurgent tactics. I will add it to my insurgent reading list!

I haven't seen the video of the auto-shotgun. Are you talking about the AA-12?

Orion said...

Check out the firearms thread on Phora. One of the most popular threads there!

kerdasi amaq said...

Glad you like Kitson's book.

That's right I meant the AA-12.

I got the impression that it was homemade. Is that right?

Orion said...

I don't think so. I think the AA-12 was developed in the 70s. The Saiga is what you might be talking about, which is a much better shotgun than the AA-12. Check out this vid :)


I think I'd rather have the Saiga myself.

mary sullivan said...

Orion said...

Thanks Mary, nice blog! Up to blogosphere it goes!