Now that Hal Turner is gone (finally!), this blog will play an Insurgent Radio Broadcast from WAR every Wednesday. I urge all Revolutionary minded White Men and Women to subscribe to Tom Metzger's Radio Club. You'll get 1 to 2 shows per day for the low subscription price of $20.00 per month. Plus, you get zero whining about needing 6k a month, threats to quit, insults or provocations to commit illegal acts. That's for Blight Wingers.
Think out of the box. Be Progressive. Get with the Revolution.
In this broadcast, Tom records a CSPAN interview with David Sirota about his book, The Uprising: An Unauthorized Tour of the Populist Revolt Scaring Wall Street and Washington which can be found Here
If we are going to have a real revolution, both the Left and Right must work together. The populist Left, not the elitist Left, shares the same concerns about the environment, immigration, jobs, economics and war that the Populist Right does. Tom saw this coming long ago.
Insurgent Broadcast of June 5, 2008 Here
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
When Africans Rule
This is a warning to all Whites living in the West. Once we are the minority, there will be nowhere to run. This is our fate if we don't take care of our race problem now. South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) were once the jewels of Africa. Today they are literally a hell on Earth, because blacks cannot create or sustain a civilization.
Ignore this warning at your own (and your posterity's) peril.
SHOCKER: Black's wanting to leave South Africa shoots up 20% - 33% of S.Africans of all races want to flee
Date Posted: Sunday 27-Jul-2008
[I don't think as many people have wanted to flee from South Africa as now. In the history of this country, I don't think there has been anything like this. Look at the shocking numbers. The number of whites wanting to leave has doubled in the last 7 years. The number of blacks wanting to leave has MORE THAN DOUBLED in 7 years. The most shocking increase is among the coloured people. They have gone from 12% to 42%. The comments I have heard personally from coloured people I work with definitely confirm this. Coloured people are getting their kids the hell out of this country.
First the whites flee... and now, everyone else is following suit.
Perhaps, finally, everyone is seeing what a complete shambles this country is turning out to be. Jan]
Read the full story on the Daily Dispatch Online
More fed-up black South Africans want to emigrate to escape the crime and economic pressure on jobs in South Africa.
The number seriously considering emigration has shot up by 20 percent since 2000, a researcher revealed on Thursday.
"We are now seeing a tipping point for an exodus, but this time across the board in terms of race," said Future Fact researcher Debbie Milne at a conference in Johannesburg.
"It is motivated more by the sense of cynicism than real violent political turmoil."
More than one in three South Africans now say they are seriously considering leaving, as opposed to 18 percent in 2000, according to the survey conducted in the second half of last year among 2 500 adults.
The surprise was that the increase was now reflected across all races.
In 2000, 22 percent of whites, 18 percent of blacks, 12 percent of coloureds and 26 percent of Indians said they were considering emigration.
But in 2007, sentiments had changed with 41 percent of whites, 38 percent of blacks, 42 percent of coloureds and 30 percent of Indians thinking of leaving the country.
"It does show the sense of dissatisfaction," said Milne.
"South Africa as a society has a number of unhappy people who feel helpless and hopeless about their future. Many social ills contribute to an exodus mentality among our citizens."
High crime rates and job security were deciding factors for one coloured Eastern Cape couple in the process of emigrating to Australia.
The couple, who now live in Port Elizabeth, said they had had enough of horror crimes and feared their two toddler girls would be exposed to the country's brutalities.
Both professionals, they said that although their roots were in South Africa, it was not worth dying over patriotism. One, a 32-year-old teacher, said: "Our nanny was robbed and mugged just a few houses away. They took her cellphone and punched her a few times. The thugs were arrested, but released the following day and nothing has come of the case."
Being hijacked was one of her worst fears. "Every time I drive around with my daughters, I double check to ensure that everything is locked. I think of all these hijackings and rapes ... I'm not being paranoid, but this is reality," she said.
Read the full story on the Daily Dispatch Online
Source URL:
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
Ignore this warning at your own (and your posterity's) peril.
SHOCKER: Black's wanting to leave South Africa shoots up 20% - 33% of S.Africans of all races want to flee
Date Posted: Sunday 27-Jul-2008
[I don't think as many people have wanted to flee from South Africa as now. In the history of this country, I don't think there has been anything like this. Look at the shocking numbers. The number of whites wanting to leave has doubled in the last 7 years. The number of blacks wanting to leave has MORE THAN DOUBLED in 7 years. The most shocking increase is among the coloured people. They have gone from 12% to 42%. The comments I have heard personally from coloured people I work with definitely confirm this. Coloured people are getting their kids the hell out of this country.
First the whites flee... and now, everyone else is following suit.
Perhaps, finally, everyone is seeing what a complete shambles this country is turning out to be. Jan]
Read the full story on the Daily Dispatch Online
More fed-up black South Africans want to emigrate to escape the crime and economic pressure on jobs in South Africa.
The number seriously considering emigration has shot up by 20 percent since 2000, a researcher revealed on Thursday.
"We are now seeing a tipping point for an exodus, but this time across the board in terms of race," said Future Fact researcher Debbie Milne at a conference in Johannesburg.
"It is motivated more by the sense of cynicism than real violent political turmoil."
More than one in three South Africans now say they are seriously considering leaving, as opposed to 18 percent in 2000, according to the survey conducted in the second half of last year among 2 500 adults.
The surprise was that the increase was now reflected across all races.
In 2000, 22 percent of whites, 18 percent of blacks, 12 percent of coloureds and 26 percent of Indians said they were considering emigration.
But in 2007, sentiments had changed with 41 percent of whites, 38 percent of blacks, 42 percent of coloureds and 30 percent of Indians thinking of leaving the country.
"It does show the sense of dissatisfaction," said Milne.
"South Africa as a society has a number of unhappy people who feel helpless and hopeless about their future. Many social ills contribute to an exodus mentality among our citizens."
High crime rates and job security were deciding factors for one coloured Eastern Cape couple in the process of emigrating to Australia.
The couple, who now live in Port Elizabeth, said they had had enough of horror crimes and feared their two toddler girls would be exposed to the country's brutalities.
Both professionals, they said that although their roots were in South Africa, it was not worth dying over patriotism. One, a 32-year-old teacher, said: "Our nanny was robbed and mugged just a few houses away. They took her cellphone and punched her a few times. The thugs were arrested, but released the following day and nothing has come of the case."
Being hijacked was one of her worst fears. "Every time I drive around with my daughters, I double check to ensure that everything is locked. I think of all these hijackings and rapes ... I'm not being paranoid, but this is reality," she said.
Read the full story on the Daily Dispatch Online
Source URL:
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
Liberal Gay Church Shot Up in Knoxville
Several shot, 1 dies at gay-friendly Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving city. Knoxville, in case you don't know, is where 5 silverbacks carjacked, tortured, raped and murdered a white couple a while back. Oh, you didn't hear about it? Check it out here and here The news media tried to black it out but thanks to blogs and other websites, were unsuccessful. I'm sure the guy that did this will be charged with a hate crime, unlike the negros in the Christian/Newsom case.
''I don't understand why anybody would do this. All we know right now is that the suspect was not connected to the church in any way. I have no idea if the man had some sort of political or cultural agenda (TVUUC had just put up a sign welcoming gays to the congregation), or if it's just some lunatic acting for no reason at all.''
Portion of an blog post by "Elrod" who says he was a member of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, where a man armed with a shotgun began shooting, apparently at raondom from the hip, at adults attending a children's play. (The Moderate Voice) The Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church's social activities include a Spectrum Cafe which is noted on the organization's web site as "social gathering place for Knoxville area high school youth who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender." (Out And About)
''Greg McKendry stood in the front of the gunman and took the blast to protect the rest of us.”
Barbara Kemper, a witness to a mass shooting at a Knoxville, TN church. The gunman was said to have opened fire on an audience inside the church as they watched children perform the musical ''Annie.'' No motive is yet known for the shooting and the gunman was reportedly not a member of the church. (
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving city. Knoxville, in case you don't know, is where 5 silverbacks carjacked, tortured, raped and murdered a white couple a while back. Oh, you didn't hear about it? Check it out here and here The news media tried to black it out but thanks to blogs and other websites, were unsuccessful. I'm sure the guy that did this will be charged with a hate crime, unlike the negros in the Christian/Newsom case.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Big Lie - Dr. William Pierce
Every Saturday, This Blog will replay a selected American Dissident Voices broadcast by the late Dr. William L. Pierce, one of the most influentual voices of the White Struggle.
In this broadcast, Dr. Pierce discusses the Big Lie Technique, used by Alien interests in control of our Media and Government to manipulate us into acting for their benefit. He also reveals the identity of the one man who warned us about the use of this technique and the people that practice it, yet is falsely smeared as having invented it himself. Hold on to your seat as we take you on an esoteric journey that is sure to surprise you!
Original Broadcast Date: 05-25-2002
Wav Audio
MP3 Audio
Text of the Broadcast
In this broadcast, Dr. Pierce discusses the Big Lie Technique, used by Alien interests in control of our Media and Government to manipulate us into acting for their benefit. He also reveals the identity of the one man who warned us about the use of this technique and the people that practice it, yet is falsely smeared as having invented it himself. Hold on to your seat as we take you on an esoteric journey that is sure to surprise you!
Original Broadcast Date: 05-25-2002
Wav Audio
MP3 Audio
Text of the Broadcast
Tribute to Bonn Scott
You may be gone but you'll live on forever. Rest In Peace, Brother.
One of my favorites. Bonn Scott lived the life he sang about.
Take a chance, while you still got the choice!
One of my favorites. Bonn Scott lived the life he sang about.
Take a chance, while you still got the choice!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Want Action, Soldier?
Come home and put your military skills to work. Patrol the borders. Eject the 100 million non-whites who have invaded your country and are turning it into a third world hellhole. Take out the cabal in DC who are the enemies of the White Man.
That's where true honor lies.

posted: 3 DAYS 5 HOURS AGO
BAGHDAD -- Spc. Grover Gebhart has spent nine months at a small post on a Sunni-Shiite fault line in western Baghdad. But the 21-year-old soldier on his first tour in Iraq feels he's missing the real war -- in Afghanistan, where his brother is fighting the Taliban.
With violence in Iraq at its lowest level in four years and the war in Afghanistan at a peak, the soldiers serving at patrol station Maverick say Gebhart's view is increasingly common, especially among younger soldiers looking to prove themselves in battle.
Rest of this sad article here
That's where true honor lies.

posted: 3 DAYS 5 HOURS AGO
BAGHDAD -- Spc. Grover Gebhart has spent nine months at a small post on a Sunni-Shiite fault line in western Baghdad. But the 21-year-old soldier on his first tour in Iraq feels he's missing the real war -- in Afghanistan, where his brother is fighting the Taliban.
With violence in Iraq at its lowest level in four years and the war in Afghanistan at a peak, the soldiers serving at patrol station Maverick say Gebhart's view is increasingly common, especially among younger soldiers looking to prove themselves in battle.
Rest of this sad article here
When Whites Face Disaster
They take care of their own, including animals. I'm tired of non-white news, so I thought I'd post something good.

Read more here

While most St. Charles County homes escaped last month's floodwaters, these animals and others had nowhere to go. Many ended up in already crowded shelters, rescued by animal control officers and labeled as strays.Yet, come adoption time, others won the eyes of prospective pet shoppers. Twenty-five animals from the Heartland Humane Society of Missouri were adopted last week alone.
Read more here
White Altruism

Only Whites are capable of altruism. In a homogeneous society, this is good. In a crazed multiracial society, it is sucide. Helping Russian Orphans is good, but how many non-whites benefit from this? Too many.
A volunteer opportunity sparked Smith's interest in helping orhpans; she helped Calvary with a camp for Russian orphans six years ago. She was so touched, she then ran the camp for four years. Smith, who has a 14-year-old son, says there are millions of orphans worldwide, and too few people are doing anything about it.
More here
Negro Population Control

Notice who comes to the rescue? The only time there are whites in East St. Louis is to cart out "victims" to hospitals staffed with White doctors.
EAST ST. LOUIS — An East St. Louis man was charged Friday with firing a bullet that struck a 3-year-old boy.Jamil Gibbs, 25, was charged Friday with aggravated battery with a firearm in the shooting. Police say the shot wasn't meant to hit the boy. Meanwhile, Mayor Alvin Parks says the condition of the boy has improved but remains serious."We're praying for the best to come out of this awful situation," Parks said. Why? He'll just grow up to shoot another negro kid
The boy is identified by police as Samuel Scott. He underwent surgery Thursday evening at a St. Louis hospital after the bullet hit his chest area and punctured a lung. Guess who's paying for this, White Man? The boy was in his father's van near Missouri Avenue when shots were fired Thursday afternoon. The boy's mother was also in the vehicle. The shots were meant for the boy's father, according to authorities. Police have said Gibbs had an argument earlier in the day with the boy's father. Negro conflict resolution, probably over a parking spot Meanwhile, Parks said he was attempting to meet with the boy's parents."We do not want to see this happen in East St. Louis," Parks said. No, we'd rather this happen in Whitey's turf. "Our police are working fast to clear this case."Gibbs was taken into custody Thursday afternoon. Police were still looking for other suspects Friday.
Story Here
The boy is identified by police as Samuel Scott. He underwent surgery Thursday evening at a St. Louis hospital after the bullet hit his chest area and punctured a lung. Guess who's paying for this, White Man? The boy was in his father's van near Missouri Avenue when shots were fired Thursday afternoon. The boy's mother was also in the vehicle. The shots were meant for the boy's father, according to authorities. Police have said Gibbs had an argument earlier in the day with the boy's father. Negro conflict resolution, probably over a parking spot Meanwhile, Parks said he was attempting to meet with the boy's parents."We do not want to see this happen in East St. Louis," Parks said. No, we'd rather this happen in Whitey's turf. "Our police are working fast to clear this case."Gibbs was taken into custody Thursday afternoon. Police were still looking for other suspects Friday.
Story Here
Investment goes Sour, Jew Rampages
Did you know that St. Louis County has more jews per capita than Chicago?
3 dead in murders and suicide, police say
By Georgina Gustin
A St. Louis County man killed his wife and her sister and savagely attacked his brother-in-law before taking his own life when police finally spotted him in Creve Coeur early Saturday morning, officers said.
Boris Shotekoff, 57, had driven from one place to the next, attacking his victims sometime late Friday afternoon or evening, police said.
More Here
Police are not sure where Shotekoff worked, but police believe he may have been an investor in a dental equipment business at the Overland office where, neighbors said, Iveta Marinova worked...
3 dead in murders and suicide, police say
By Georgina Gustin
A St. Louis County man killed his wife and her sister and savagely attacked his brother-in-law before taking his own life when police finally spotted him in Creve Coeur early Saturday morning, officers said.
Boris Shotekoff, 57, had driven from one place to the next, attacking his victims sometime late Friday afternoon or evening, police said.
More Here
Police are not sure where Shotekoff worked, but police believe he may have been an investor in a dental equipment business at the Overland office where, neighbors said, Iveta Marinova worked...
The Lie of Diversity
Fallacy Of Multiculturalism Revealed
By Curt Maynard.
Read more of this important essay here
By Curt Maynard.
No debate within higher education is more divisive than the one being waged between self-proclaimed "multiculturalists" and those who could be called traditionalists in the study of Western culture.
Read more of this important essay here
White Technology - Helmet to Cure Alzheimers?

The victim of an aggressive type of dementia, the 57-year-old businessmen was unable to answer the phone, order a meal or string more than a couple of words together.
In desperation, his family agreed to try a revolutionary new treatment - a bizarre-looking, experimental helmet devised by a British GP that bathes the brain in infra-red light twice a day.
To their astonishment, Mr Fennel began to make an astonishing recovery in just three weeks.
Dr Gordon Dougal, a GP from County Durham, treated dementia patient Clem Fennell with his infra-red device
"My husband, Clem, was fading away. It is as if he is back" said his wife Vickey Fennell, 55. "His personality has started to show again. We are absolutely thrilled."
While the helmet has yet to be proven in clinical trials, the family say the effects of the 10 minute sessions are incredible. Mr Fennell can now hold conversations and go shopping unaccompanied.
The treatment is the brainchild of Dr Gordon Dougal, a County Durham GP. He believes the device could eventually help thousands of dementia patients.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
How America Will Look 88 Years From Now
They're Still Here, He's All Gone.

Gunnar Zwilling, of Ofallon, Missouri. No children. All gone.
A man from O'Fallon, Mo., who was serving in Afghanistan, was among the nine Army soldiers killed in an ambush last weekend, a relative confirmed today. Gunnar Zwilling, 20, died early Sunday morning in an insurgent attack on an American outpost in eastern Afganistan, said his aunt Lisa Zwilling, 47, of O'Fallon, Mo. "He was a dedicated military man," she said. "He loved every minute of it."
The U.S. Department of Defense has not confirmed Zwilling's death. Nine American soldiers were killed in ambush, officials said. More than 100 militants showered the base with machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and mortar shells. Zwilling enlisted in the Army after graduating from Hazelwood West High School, his aunt said. He was not married, and had planned to make his career serving the military. He was a parachutist with an airborne unit for the past 15 months and was scheduled to return home in about a week, Lisa Zwilling said. She said he has an older brother, Alex, who serves in the Air Force. His mother died last fall, Lisa Zwilling said. His father is recovering from throat cancer. Funeral arrangments are pending.
Yet, they are still here, hijacking your gene pool
Replacing your "white bread" heritage with something more exotic

Partying it up while you lay dying in a foreign country
ripping off your kindred people
Or planning other wars for the benefit of HIS kindred
The truth is, my young friend, your country was long gone before you were even born. It's just too bad no one told you.
A man from O'Fallon, Mo., who was serving in Afghanistan, was among the nine Army soldiers killed in an ambush last weekend, a relative confirmed today. Gunnar Zwilling, 20, died early Sunday morning in an insurgent attack on an American outpost in eastern Afganistan, said his aunt Lisa Zwilling, 47, of O'Fallon, Mo. "He was a dedicated military man," she said. "He loved every minute of it."
The U.S. Department of Defense has not confirmed Zwilling's death. Nine American soldiers were killed in ambush, officials said. More than 100 militants showered the base with machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and mortar shells. Zwilling enlisted in the Army after graduating from Hazelwood West High School, his aunt said. He was not married, and had planned to make his career serving the military. He was a parachutist with an airborne unit for the past 15 months and was scheduled to return home in about a week, Lisa Zwilling said. She said he has an older brother, Alex, who serves in the Air Force. His mother died last fall, Lisa Zwilling said. His father is recovering from throat cancer. Funeral arrangments are pending.
Yet, they are still here, hijacking your gene pool

Replacing your "white bread" heritage with something more exotic

Partying it up while you lay dying in a foreign country

ripping off your kindred people

Or planning other wars for the benefit of HIS kindred

The truth is, my young friend, your country was long gone before you were even born. It's just too bad no one told you.
Negro Scientist Shoots Another Negro Scientist in Dispute over Invention
Na, I was just grinning ya. You couldn't tell from the pic though, could you? I mean, the guy looks like he's at the top of his Bell Curve. Werd.
WRIGHT CITY, Mo. — Police on Tuesday were still searching for a St. Louis man who is charged with fatally shooting a man and wounding a woman inside a Wright City home on Sunday. Highway Patrol Sgt. Julie Scerine, speaking on behalf of the Major Case Squad, said early today that Leon L. Steward is still on the loose. Steward may still be in the St. Louis area, she said. Warren County prosecutors Monday charged Steward, 24, of the 3900 block of Shaw Avenue in St. Louis, with first-degree murder, two counts of armed criminal action and assault.
St. Louis in the country! Wright City is 45 miles from St. Louis, yet the niggers still find a way into a largely White county to get their groove on. Wright City, by the way, has a small but growing negro population due to the efforts of enemies like HUD and Habitat for Humanity.
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