Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Greater Love Hath A Mother

That she would sacrifice her only son for the greater good. You can see the pain in this mother's face as she describes her son, but also the happiness she has knowing her son did not die in vain. You cannot kill this kind of spirit. When our people reach this point, we will be well on our way to a new rebirth.

Thanks to the jews at MEMRI for showing us the face of resistance to evil. Keep up the great work!


lormarie said...

I've been pondering this post for a while. Here's my issue:

While I don't support Islamists, communists, zionists, white or black nationalists, etc. I always considered radical Islamists to be the worst because of suicide bombing. I even felt that they were much worse than neo-nazis (commies are worse than nazis but that's another post).

I have never heard a neo-nazi mom express the desire for her child to kill himself in order to kill others. I could be mistaken, maybe the son of the muslim woman died in a legitimate gun fight. But I've also seen clips where martydom=suicide bombing. That is one of the things that caused me to see that radical Islamists (and I stress radicals, not all muslims)are truly the most dangerous people on the planet at this time.

Orion said...

Ah, but the key word here is sacrifice, Lormarie. She is talking about her son sacraficing himself for God and Country in fighting the jewish occupation of Southern Lebanon. As you know in Islam, you are assured a place in heaven if you die fighting infidels, even if you blow yourself up. It's a concept that's not alien to other warrior cultures, like Japan and Germany. In fact, the Germans had their own kamakazi pilots! If you ever get a chance to watch Der Untergang, you'll see some examples of resistance under desperate circumstances.

As the audio clip in my profile says, "I had a destiny, to die with honor.". To do nothing while you are under occupation and you die offering up no resistance is the most dishonorable of deaths.

Orion said...

Sacrificing, not sacraficing. It's late.

Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

While not purporting to be the hurrah section for Islam, one can certainly understand where they're coming from.

Either a person understands their own (individual)situation in life and has the ultimate convictions to right the wrongs.. or they don't. You can't fathom what you can't/wont envision or see.

But then again, most folks commitments are only superficial when ya really get down to it.


No, she is not glad about that. The Qu'ran just teaches them to kill the infidel- thats all, nothing else.

Qur'an (43:66) "I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims."
(Qur'an 48:29) "Those who follow Muhammad are merciless for the unbelievers but kind to each other."
Qur'an (60:4) "Enmity and hatred will reign between us until ye believe in Allah alone."
Qur'an (8:39) (2:193) "Make war on them until idolatory does not exist any longer and Allah's religion reigns universally.

There is NOTHING good about a MOTHER hoping her son dies, and really for nothing, but thats what their Qu'ran tells them to do, they are behind the times, like in the 10th Century.
My best friend was stationed in Iran for 4 years, he says that they HATE American people GUTS and they HATE Christians BIGTIME.

These people make the 'neo-nazis' look like MICE.

Take that one in Buffalo for ie:
HE CHOPPED HIS WIFES HEAD OFF- right here in the states.

NO, they do NOT assimilate to free society.
Your REAL beef Orion is AMERICAN leftist Bolshevik Marxist Jews- PEOPLE in Israel- 70% or more are conservatives, NOT Bolsheviks, they are having the SAME problem with their govt as we are.
Thats just the truth.

Blessings on the Sabbath day :) HUGS!

lormarie said...

As you know in Islam, you are assured a place in heaven if you die fighting infidels, even if you blow yourself up. It's a concept that's not alien to other warrior cultures, like Japan and Germany.--Orion

Yes, I know they believe that they're assured a place in heaven but are they really? Among many Christian denominations suicide is still considered an unpardonable sin besides the actual one. In most, simply being a muslim assures one a place in hell. My point is that they really cannot use that argument since it cannot be proven nor can the assertions of their entire worldview.

Normally I'd say that I've been listening to too much Brigitte Gabriel but there are many people who will confirm what she's saying (about radical Islam).

On another note, American white nationalists appear to be a lot different from their European counterparts on this issue.

Orion said...

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1.

If you watch the vid, you can see she believes every word of that verse, even if she's not familar with it, because she has faith that her son died in an honorable way and conviction he is in a place yet unseen.

Like Jeff says, "Either a person understands their own (individual)situation in life and has the ultimate convictions to right the wrongs.. or they don't. You can't fathom what you can't/wont envision or see."

Her son, and millions like him, understand this. We, at this point in time, do not. Hopefully, that will change soon.

Orion said...

Mad, of course they hate America's guts. Wouldn't you, if you were living peacefully the one day and then the next bombs and bullets and death and destruction interrupt your life for what...6 years now?

You're right that they can not live in a free society, so why are we there? Ostensibly to bring about democracy, but who would want the degenerate democracy of the West? Arabs have never lived in a democratic society and could never function in one.

I think we are there to protect Israel. What do you think?