Join today! Free membership! I found
this while surfing Huffpost and reading a particularly
obnoxious article by the jew Steven Ducat. Advertising sure is getting clever, eh? Check out the comments and you'll see how far the jewish brainwashing has come.
In our new nation to come, this will be considered on a level of the Man-Boy Love Association. Storm, break loose!
Lormarie, I don't think this is right. White women stealing eligible men from your dating pool. A crime, itz!
I don't really want to get into this issue, but white women don't steal eligible men from me. Besides, I'm actually what you might consider to be part of the problem as it relates to this issue.
That's all I will say about that.
Welcome aboard to LFD , look forward to any posts .
Lormarie -
What you said is enough for most to discern but you so intended , eh ? Even you recognize it as an existing problem with us .
Rah and hooray you got the jewish angle figured out ... or do you ? How many different ways can you list that they profit by promoting integration -
miscegenation ?
Not to mention the genetics of racial mixing . Do you have so little regard for the blood and genes of your forefathers that you'd pollute the generations ?
But overpowering all arguement for the white race is the Word engraved in stone
( and our hearts , inside we know it's wrong ) -
our Gods command is to stick with our own . As He so intended for all races to do . Adulteration is criminal .
The jew knows our God and quite a few believe what He said when He warned His true Israel people of potential offenses and subsequent punishments . They hate Him but take heed of His words and use them against us .
They know who the white race really is and they're screwing us in ways folks don't even see . Everybody suffers until we get this worked out with God .
Does not the proud black man want to build his great nation independant of all others ?
To excel without the constraints/oppressionof the jew , or white man ? To at last show the world - behold !
How can we be manipulated against each other if we're not grouped together .
Yall deal with your crime and we will ours . We don't need all these prisons and programs . Nor these dead men walking .. our streets . It is ridiculous .
There's no hate here as of now but truths will have to out and be dealt with . Many greater civilizations than this one have fallen to the depraved wantonness of an integrated and tolerant society . Such is our history .
For all those blacks who truly mean well and live the life to show it , we wish you success . But be aware that good people on both sides will suffer in what's coming for it will be brutal without question.Segregation will become the rule and violaters ill looked upon by both sides .
Just like South Africa - our skin is what marks us all without further consideration . Time races towards the inevitable .
So , what have you done for your people today ?
Rah and hooray you got the jewish angle figured out ... or do you ? How many different ways can you list that they profit by promoting integration -
miscegenation ?--Jeff
First I'd like to say that I do recognize it is a problem to you and those of your ideology. But honestly sir, that fact that you consider it a problem matters little to me. Secondly, I don't promote anything as there is nothing I consider special about the "other" to promote mixing with them.
"Not to mention the genetics of racial mixing . Do you have so little regard for the blood and genes of your forefathers that you'd pollute the generations ?"--Jeff
To put it mildly, yes. I have little regard for the blood and genes of my forefathers when compared to the highest regard I have for the blood and genes of my foremothers as well as W.O.A.D. living today. With that said, she should make her own decisions according to what's best for her rather than what's best for a particular race.
our Gods command is to stick with our own . As He so intended for all races to do . Adulteration is criminal .--Jeff
If you study your bible, you will find that your God was "quite inconsistent" on this issue. The bible isn't the most appropriate document to use to enforce segregation since, again, it wasn't consistent. If it wasn't consistent, then it means you may have it wrong. After all, don't many believe that the bible doesn't contradict itself? Do you believe that?
"Does not the proud black man want to build his great nation independant of all others ?
To excel without the constraints/oppressionof the jew , or white man ? To at last show the world - behold !"--Jeff
Frankly, it's not my concern what the proud black man wants to build. I should add that the concerns of white men aren't mine either. My priority is women and children of the African diaspora. Whites men and women, and black men should push their own concerns, IMO. My point in mentioning that is to show why it's important to know your audience. I come from a womanist mindset (think black women's answer to feminism). So for you to suggest that I embrace or respect racial nationalism is to say that I should embrace the idea of pigs becoming doctors. In other words, the idea is ludicrous as far as I'm concerned.
"So , what have you done for your people today ?"--Jeff
Is that a rhetorical question or are you asking me specifically?
Ha ! Yep , you answered all I'll be needing to know . Your position is stated crystal clear . Have to decline your offer to further enlighten me as to the deeper meanings of the Bible though .
Rhetorical .. yes , but obviously ill aimed .
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